Published Articles
Beza, Abebe Dress, Zhuopeng Xie, Mohsen Ramezani, David Levinson (2025) From lane-less to lane-free: Implications in the era of automated vehicles. Transportation Research part C. Volume 170, January 2025, 104898 [doi]
CUI, Mengying, Lijie YU, Shaoyu NIE, Zhe DAI, Ying-en GE, and Levinson, D. (2025) How access and spatial dependency shape metro passenger flows. Journal of Transport Geography. Volume 123, February 2025, 104069 [doi]
Zhe Dai, Mengying Cui, Kong Li, Lijie Yu, David Levinson (2025) High-speed rail impacts on intercity accessibility: A multi-modal, multi-scalar networking approach. Transportation Research part C Volume 171, February 2025, 105006 [doi]
Capel-Timms, Isabella, Levinson, David, Bonetti, Sara, Lahoorpoor, Bahman, and Manoli, Gabriele (2024). The Angiogenic Growth of Cities. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. [doi]
Chen, Jing, Cui, Mengying, and Levinson, D. (2024) The Cost of Shopping: Measuring Virtual and Physical Access for Obtaining Goods. TeMA – Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment. No. 1. 129-145 [doi]
Chen, Jing and Cui, M. and Levinson, D. (2024) The Cost of Working: Measuring Physical and Virtual Access to Jobs. International Journal of Urban Sciences. 28(2) 318-334 [doi]
Cui, Mengying, Dai, Zhe, and Levinson, D. (2024) Link-based Full Cost Analysis of Travel by Automobile. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 1–24. [doi]
Gao, Yang and Levinson, D. (2024) A bifurcation of the peak: New patterns of traffic peaking during the COVID-19 era. Transportation. [doi]
Gao, Yang and Levinson, D. (2024) A Multi-stage Spatial Queueing Model with Logistic Arrivals and Departures Consistent with the Microscopic Fundamental Diagram and Hysteresis. Transportation Research part B Volume 186, August 2024, 103015 [doi]
Lahoorpoor, B., and Levinson, D. (2024) An agent-based simulation model for the growth of the Sydney Trains network. Environment and Planning B [doi]
Levinson, David (2024) Connected Institutions: Using Platform Powers to Advance Transport. Urban Science 2024, 8(4), 245; - 4 Dec 2024 [doi]
Levinson, D. and Wu, Hao (2024) 14. Access, the built environment, and behavior in Handbook of Travel Behaviour, edited by Dimitris Potoglou, Justin Spinney. Edward Elgar publishers.
Mann, Isaac and Levinson, David (2024) Access-based cost-benefit analysis. Journal of Transport Geography. Volume 119, July 2024, 103952. [doi]
Rayaprolu, H. and Levinson, D. (2024) Co-evolution of public transport access and ridership. Journal of Transport Geography Volume 116, April 2024, 103844. [doi]
Rayaprolu, H. and Levinson, D. (2024) Transit Modal Complementarity: Measuring the Access Provided by Transfers. Transportation doi:10.1007/s11116-024-10555-9. [doi]
Shaer, Amin, Fielbaum, Andres, and Levinson, D. (2024) Choosing to Drive from Alcohol Serving Establishments Traffic Injury Prevention 25(8) 1013-1022 [doi]
Wang, Haotian, Moylan, E. and Levinson, D. (2023) Ensemble Methods for Route Choice . Transportation Research part C. Volume 167, October 2024, 104803 [doi]
Wang, Zhaohan, Ramezani, M, and Levinson, D. (2024) How Mandatory are 'Mandatory' Lane Changes? An Empirical Study on the Costs of Missing Freeway Exits. Transportation Research part B. Volume 186, August 2024, 102994 [doi]
Wu, Bingyu, and Levinson, D. (2024) A multi-modal analysis of the effect of transport on population and productivity in China. Journal of Transport GeographyVolume 116, April 2024, 103856. [doi]
Xie, Zhuopeng, Ramezani, M., Levinson, D. (2024) Reduced-scale mobile robots for autonomous driving research. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 25(11) 15367-15387 [doi]
Xu, W., Smart, M., Tilahun, N., Askari, S., Dennis, Z., Li, H., and Levinson, D. (2024) The racial composition of road users, traffic citations, and police stops. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (24) e2402547121 [doi]
Yu, Hongjun, Moylan, E., Bambach, M. Levinson, D. and Ramezani, M. (2024) Scheduling Optimisation of Alcohol Test Sites. Nature: Scientific Reports 14, 12202 [doi]
Zhou, Mingzhi, Lei, Shuyu, Wu, Jiangyue, Ma, Hanxi, Levinson, D., and Zhou, Jiangping (2024) Intentional Travel Group and Social Network: Identification and Dynamics during a Pandemic. Environment and Planning b [doi]
Gao, Yang and Levinson, D. (2023) Lane changing and congestion are mutually reinforcing. Communications in Transportation Research, Volume 3 Number 100101 [doi]
Ji, Ang, Ramezani, M. and Levinson, D. (2023) Pricing Lane Changes. Transportation Research part C.149: 104062 [doi]
Ji, Ang, Ramezani, M. and Levinson, D. (2023) Joint modelling of longitudinal and lateral dynamics in lane-changing maneuvers, Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 11:1, 996-1025 [doi]
Lahoorpoor, B., Sarkar, S. and Levinson, D. (2023) Evaluating the Vulnerability of the Sydney Train Network by Comparing Access-Based and Network Centrality Metrics. Findings, November [doi].
Li, Manman, Cui, M., and Levinson, D. (2023) Interaction between development intensity: An evaluation of alternative spatial weight matrices Urban Science 7(1), 22. [doi]
Loyola, M., Nelson, J.B., Clifton, G., and Levinson, D. (2023) Narratives in transport research: a thematic and functional analysis. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 17, January 2023, 100754 [doi]
Loyola, M., Nelson, J.B., Clifton, G., and Levinson, D. (2023) The influence of cycle lanes on road users’ perception of road space. Urban, Planning and Transport Research. 11(1) [doi]
Turner, H, Lahoorpoor, B, and Levinson, D. (2023) Creating a dataset of historic roads in Sydney from scanned maps. Scientific Data 10, 683 [doi]
Wang, Hao-Tian, Moylan, E. and Levinson, D. (2023) Route Choice Set Generation on High Resolution Networks . Transportation Research Record [doi]
Wang, Y. and Levinson, D. (2023) The Accuracy of Benefit-Cost Analysis for Transport Projects supported by the Asian Development Bank . Asian Transport Studies. 9, 2023, 100104 [doi]
Wang, Y. and Levinson, D. (2023) Overlooked Transport Project Planning Process - What Happens before Selecting the Locally Preferred Alternative? Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Volume 19, May 2023, 100809 [doi]
Wang, Yingshuo, Lahoorpoor, B. and Levinson, D. (2023) The Spatio-temporal Evolution of Sydney's Tram Network Using Network Econometrics. Geographical Analysis. Volume55, Issue3 July 2023 Pages 367-383 [doi]
Wu, Hao, Levinson, D. (2023) The Node-Place Model, Accessibility, and Station Level Transit Ridership. Journal of Transport Geography. Volume 113, December 2023, 103739 [doi]
Cui, Boer, DeWeese, James, Wu, Hao, King, David, Levinson, D., and El-Geneidy, A. (2022) All Ridership Is Local: Accessibility, Competition, and Stop-Level Determinants of Daily Bus Boardings in Portland, Oregon. Journal of Transport Geography. 99 (2022) 103294. [doi]
El-Geneidy, Ahmed and Levinson, D. (2022) Making Accessibility Work in Practice Transport Reviews 42(2) 129-133. [doi]
Lahoorpoor, B. and Levinson, D. (2022) In Search of Lost Trams: Comparing 1925 and 2020 Transit Isochrones in Sydney. Findings, March. [doi]
Lahoorpoor, B., Rayaprolu, H., Wu, H., and Levinson, D. (2022) Access-oriented Design? Disentangling the Effect of Land Use and Transport Network on Accessibility. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. [doi]
Lahoorpoor, B., Rayaprolu, H., Wu, H., and Levinson, D. (2022) Prioritizing Active Transport Network Investment using Locational Accessibility. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment. 15(2), 179-192. [doi]
Li, Manman, Cui, Mengying, and Levinson, D. (2022) Job and Worker Density and Transit Network Dynamics. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 16 (11) p. 1013-1019 [doi]
Loyola Borja, Miguel, Nelson, J., Clifton, G., and Levinson, D. (2022) The relation of visual perception of speed limits and the implementation of cycle lanes - a cross-country comparison. Accident Analysis and Prevention. Volume 174, September 2022, 106722. [doi]
Rayaprolu, H., Wu, H., Lahoorpoor, B., and Levinson, D. (2022) Maximizing Access in Transit Network Design. Journal of Public Transportation. 24. [doi]
Song, C.; Dennis, M.; Burns, B.; Dyson, S.; Forrest, P.; Ramanan, R.; Levinson, D.; Moylan, E. (2022) Improving access to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for out of hospital cardiac arrest – pre-hospital ECPR and alternate delivery strategies" Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. 30:77 [doi]
Wang, Haotian, Moylan, E. and Levinson, D. (2022) Prediction of the Deviation between Alternative Routes and Actual Trajectories for Bicyclists. Findings, June. [doi].
Wang, Jiaoe, Huang, Jie, Yang, Haoran, and Levinson, D. (2022) Resilience and Recovery of Public Transport Use during COVID-19. npj Urban Sustainability 2(18) [doi]
Wang, Yadi and Levinson, D. (2022) Time savings vs Access-based Benefit Assessment of New York’s Second Avenue Subway. Journal of Benefit Cost Analysis. 13(1) 120 - 147. [doi]
Wang, Yadi and Levinson, David (2022) Forecast Accuracy of Recent Australian Passenger Rail Projects. Presented at Australasian Transport Research Forum.
Wang, Yuning, Lu, D, and Levinson, D. (2022) Equilibrium or Imbalance? Rail Transit and Land Use Mix in Station Areas. Transportation. [doi]
Wu, Hao, and Levinson, D. (2022) Ensemble Models of For-hire Vehicle Trips. Frontiers in Future Transportation. 3. [doi]
Zhao, X., Cui, M., & Levinson, D. (2022). Exploring Temporal Variability in Travel Patterns on Public Transit using Big Smart Card Data. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. [doi]
Allen, Jeff, Farber, Steven, Greaves, Stephen, Clifton, Geoffrey, Wu, Hao, Sarkar, Somwrita, and Levinson, D. (2021) Immigrant Settlement Patterns, Transit Accessibility, and Transit Use. Journal of Transport Geography. 96103187. [doi]
Aoustin, Louise, and Levinson, D. (2021) Longing to Travel: Commute Appreciation during COVID-19. Findings, January. [doi]
Aoustin, Louise, and Levinson, D. (2021) The Perception of Access in Sydney. Findings, March. [doi]
Aston, Laura and Levinson, D. (2021) Accessibility-Oriented Planning: Why and How to Make the Switch. ITE Journal (August) 25-29.
Borowski, Elisa, Ermagun, Alireza and Levinson, D. (2021) Disparity of Access: Variations in Transit Service by Race, Ethnicity, Income, and Auto Availability. Chapter 4 in Applications of Access (ed. D. Levinson and A. Ermagun) p. 69-86. [doi]
Cui, Mengying, and Levinson, D. (2021) Shortest Paths, Travel Costs, and Traffic. Environment and Planning B. 48(4) 828-844. [doi]
Ermagun, Alireza and Levinson, D. (2021) An Introduction to Applications of Access. Chapter 1 in Applications of Access (ed. D. Levinson and A. Ermagun) p. 15-22. [doi]
Ermagun, Alireza and Levinson, D. (2021) Access and Transit System Performance. Chapter 14 in Applications of Access (ed. D. Levinson and A. Ermagun) p. 261-276. [doi]
Gao, Yang, and Levinson, D. (2021) “COVID-19, Travel Time Reliability, and the Emergence of a Double-Humped Peak Period.” Findings, August. [doi].
Huang, Arthur and Levinson, D. (2021) Non-work Vehicle Trip Generation from Multi- week In-vehicle GPS Data. Chapter 12 in Applications of Access (ed. D. Levinson and A. Ermagun) p. 217-238. [doi]
Iacono, Michael, Cao, Jason, Cui, Mengying, and Levinson, D. (2021) Intraurban Access and Agglomeration. Chapter 15 in Applications of Access (ed. D. Levinson and A. Ermagun) p. 277-290. [doi]
Ji, Ang and Levinson, D. (2020) Estimating the Social Gap with a Game Theory Model of Lane Changing. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions. 22(10) 6320-6329. [doi][VIDEO]
Lehe, Lewis, and Levinson, D. (2021) The Economics of 'Findings'. Findings, March. [doi]
Murphy, Brendan, Owen, Andrew, and Levinson, D. (2021) Access and Centrality-Based Estimation of Urban Pedestrian Activity. Chapter 7 in Applications of Access (ed. D. Levinson and A. Ermagun) p. 117-132. [doi]
Palmateer, Chelsey, and Levinson, D. (2021) Justice, Exclusion, and Equity: An Analysis of 48 US Metropolitan Areas. Chapter 3 in Applications of Access (ed. D. Levinson and A. Ermagun) p. 45-68. [doi]
Palmateer, Chelsey, Ermagun, Alireza, Owen, Andrew, and Levinson, D. (2021) The Role of Transit Service Area Definition for Access-based Evaluation. Chapter 18 in Applications of Access (ed. D. Levinson and A. Ermagun) p. 327-346. [doi]
Schoner, Jessica and Levinson, D. (2021) Which Station? Access Trips and Bikeshare Route and Station Choice. Chapter 8 in Applications of Access (ed. D. Levinson and A. Ermagun) p. 133-148. [doi]
Wu, Hao and Levinson, D. (2021) Optimum Stop Spacing for Accessibility. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. 21(2) 1-18. [doi]
Wu, Hao, Owen, Andrew, and Levinson, D. (2021) Commute Mode Share and Access to Jobs across US Metropolitan Areas. Environment and Planning B. 48(4):671-684. [doi]
Wu, Hao, Paolo Avner, Genevieve Boisjoly, Carlos K. V. Braga, Ahmed El-Geneidy, Jie Huang, Tamara Kerzhner, Brendan Murphy, Michał A. Niedzielski, Rafael H. M. Pereira, John P. Pritchard, Anson Stewart, Jiaoe Wang, and David Levinson (2021) Urban Access Across the Globe: an International Comparison of Different Transport Modes. NPJ Urban Sustainability 1(16). [doi]
Wu, Hao, and Levinson, D. (2021) The Ensemble Approach to Forecasting: A Review and Synthesis. Transportation Research part C. Volume 132, 103357. [doi]
Cui, Mengying, and Levinson, D. (2020) Internal and External Costs of Motor Vehicle Pollution. Transportation Research Record. [doi]
Cui, Mengying and Levinson, D. (2020) Primal and Dual Access. Geographical Analysis. 52, 452–474. [doi] [code]
Cui, Mengying, and Levinson, D. (2020) Multi-Activity Access: How Activity Choice Affects Opportunity. Transportation Research part D. 85 - 102364. [doi]
Davis, Blake, Ji, Ang, Liu, Bichen, and Levinson, D. (2020) Moving Array Traffic Probes. Frontiers in Future Transportation. doi: 10.3389/ffutr.2020.602356. [doi][VIDEO]
Ji, Ang and Levinson, D. (2020) Injury Severity Prediction from Two-vehicle Crash Mechanisms with Machine Learning and Ensemble Models. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. [doi][VIDEO]
Ji, Ang and Levinson, D. (2020) An Energy Loss-based Vehicular Injury Severity Model. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 146 October 2020, 105730. [doi][VIDEO]
Ji, Ang and Levinson, D. (2020) A Review of Game Theory Models of Lane Changing. Transportmetrica A. 16(3), 1628–1647. [doi][VIDEO]
Lahoorpoor, Bahman and Levinson, D. (2020) Catchment if you Can: The Effect of Station Entrance and Exit Locations on Accessibility. Journal of Transport Geography. 82, 102556. [doi] [full report]
Levinson, D. (2020) Logistic Curve Models of CO2 Accumulation. Transport Findings. [doi]
Levinson, D. and Wu, Hao (2020) Towards a General Theory of Access. Journal of Transport and Land Use. 13(1) 129-158. [doi]
Sarkar, Somwrita, Wu, Hao and Levinson, D. (2020) Measuring Polycentricity via Network Flows, Spatial Interaction, and Percolation. Urban Studies. 57(12), 2402–2422. [doi]
Walsh, Lexie, Xian, Tingsen, Levinson, D., and Rayaprolu, H. (2020) Walking and Talking: The Effect of Smartphone Use and Group Conversation on Pedestrian Speed. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility andEnvironment. 12(3), 283-294. [doi]
Wu, Hao and Levinson, D. (2020) Unifying Access. Transportation Research part D. Volume 83, June 2020, 102355. [doi]
Carlson, Kristin, Murphy, Brendan, Owen, Andrew, Ermagun, Alireza, and Levinson, D. (2019) Safety in Numbers for Bicyclists at Urban Intersections Transportation Research Record. 2673(6) 677–684. [doi]
Carrion, Carlos and David Levinson (2019) Overestimation and Underestimation of Travel Time on Commute Trips: GPS vs. Self-reporting. Urban Science. 3(3), 70. [doi]
Carrion, Carlos and David Levinson (2019) Uncovering the Influence of Commuters’ Perception on the Reliability Ratio. Transport Findings. 10.32866/8330. [doi]
Carrion, Carlos and David Levinson (2019) Route Choice Dynamics after a Link Restoration. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics. 7(1), 1155-1174. [doi]
Chaloux, Nick, Boisjoly, Genevieve, Grise, Emily, El-Geneidy, Ahmed, and Levinson, D. (2019) I Only Get Some Satisfaction: Introducing Satisfaction into Measures of Accessibility. Transportation Research part F. 62, 833-843. [doi]
Cui, Boer, Boisjoly, Genevieve, El-Geneidy, Ahmed, and Levinson, D. (2019) Accessibility and the Journey to Work through the Lens of Equity. Journal of Transport Geography. 74, 269-277. [doi]
Cui, Mengying and Levinson, D. (2019) Measuring Full Cost Accessibility by Auto. Journal of Transport and Land Use. 12(1) 649-672. [doi]
Ermagun, Alireza, and Levinson, D. (2019) Spatiotemporal Short-term Traffic Forecasting using the Network Weight Matrix and Systematic Detrending Transportation Research part C. 104, 38-52. [doi]
Ermagun, Alireza, and Levinson, D. (2019) Development and Application of the Network Weight Matrix to Predict Traffic Flow for Congested and Uncongested Conditions. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.
46(9) 1684–1705 [doi]Huang, Jie, Levinson, D., Wang, Jiaoe, Jin, Haitao (2019) Job-worker Spatial Dynamics in Beijing: Insights from Smart Card Data. Cities 86, 89-93. [doi]
Sharma, Sabal and Levinson, D. (2019) Travel Cost and Dropout from Secondary Schools in Nepal. Transportation Research part A. 130, 385-397. [doi]
Wu, Hao, Somwrita Sarkar, and Levinson, D. (2019) How Transit Scaling Shapes Cities. Nature Sustainability doi:10.1038/s41893-019-0427-7 . [doi]
Yokoo, Toshi, and Levinson, D. (2019) Measures of Speeding from a GPS-based Travel Behavior Survey. Traffic Injury Prevention. 20(2), 158-163. [doi]
Yokoo, Toshi, Marasteanu, Mihai, and Levinson, David (2019) Pavement Condition and Crashes Transport Findings. 10.32866/5771. [doi]
Cui, Mengying and Levinson, D. (2018) Accessibility Analysis of Risk Severity Transportation. 45(4), 1029–1050.[doi]
Cui, Mengying and Levinson, D. (2018) Accessibility and the Ring of Unreliability. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. 14 (1-2), 4-21. [doi]
Cui, Mengying and Levinson, D. (2018) Full Cost Accessibility. Journal of Transport and Land Use. 11(1), 661-679. [doi]
Deboosere, Robbin, El-Geneidy, Ahmed, and Levinson, D. (2018) Accessibility-Oriented Development. Journal of Transport Geography. 70, 11–20. [doi]
Ermagun, Alireza, and Levinson, D. (2018) Spatiotemporal Traffic Forecasting: Review and Proposed Directions. Transport Reviews. 38:6, 786-814. [doi]
Ermagun, Alireza, and Levinson, D. (2018) An Introduction to the Network Weight Matrix. Geographical Analysis.50(1), 76–96. [doi]
Huang, Jie, Levinson, D, Wang, Jiaoe, Zhou, Jiangping and Wang, Zi-jia (2018) Tracking Job and Housing Dynamics with Smartcard Data. PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) 115(50), 12710-12715.[doi]
Janson, M. and Levinson, D. (2018) Choice of High Occupancy/Toll Lanes Under Alternative Pricing Strategies. Journal of the Transportation Research Board: Transportation Research Record. 2672(5), 12–22. [doi]
Parthasarathi, Pavithra, and David Levinson (2018) Network Structure and the Journey to Work: An Intra-metropolitan Analysis. Transportation Research part A 118, 292-304. [doi]
Tang, W., and Levinson, D. (2018) An Empirical Study of the Deviation between Actual and Shortest Travel Time Paths. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. 144(8), 10.1061/JTEPBS.0000161. [doi]
Zhu, Shanjiang and Levinson, D. (2018) An Agent-based Route Choice Model with Learning and Exchange of Information. Urban Science. 2(3), 58. [doi]
Danczyk, Adam, Xuan Di, Henry Liu, and David Levinson (2017) Unexpected versus Expected Network Disruption: Effects on Travel Behavior. Transport Policy. 57, 68–78. [doi]
Di, Xuan, Henry Liu, Shanjiang Zhu, and David Levinson (2017) Indifference Bands for Route Switching. Transportation. 44, 1169–1194. [doi] [full-text view only]
Ermagun, Alireza, Chatterjee, Snigdhansu, and Levinson, D. (2017) Using Temporal Detrending to Observe the Spatial Correlation of Traffic. PLoS One. 12(5): e0176853. [doi]
Ermagun, Alireza, and David Levinson (2017) Public Transit, Active Travel, and the Journey to School: A Cross-nested Logit Analysis. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. 13(1), 24-37. [doi]
Ermagun, Alireza, and David Levinson (2017) “Transit Makes you Short”: On Health Impact Assessment of Transportation and the Built Environment. Journal of Transport and Health. 4, 373–387. [doi]
Huang, Arthur (Yan), and David Levinson (2017) A Model of Two-destination Choice in Trip Chains with GPS Data. Journal of Choice Modeling. 24C, 51-62. [doi]
Iacono, Michael and David Levinson (2017) Accessibility Dynamics and Location Premia: Do Land Values Follow Accessibility Changes? Urban Studies. 54(2), 364–381. [doi]
Jiang, Haibing and David Levinson (2017) Accessibility and the Evaluation of Investments on the Beijing Subway. Journal of Transport and Land Use. 10(1), 395-408. [doi]
Levinson, David, Bernadette Marion, Andrew Owen, and Mengying Cui (2017) The City is Flatter: Changing Patterns of Job and Labor Access. Cities. 60(B), 124–138.[doi]
Melo,Patricia, Daniel Graham, David Levinson, and Sarah Aarabi (2017) Agglomeration, Accessibility, and Productivity: Evidence for Large Urbanized Areas in the US. Urban Studies. 54(1), 179–195. [doi]
Murphy, Brendan, David M. Levinson, and Andrew Owen (2017) Evaluating the Safety In Numbers effect for pedestrians at urban intersections. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 106, 181–190. [doi]
Tilahun, Nebiyou and David Levinson (2017) Contacts and Meetings: Location, Duration and Distance Traveled. Travel Behaviour and Society 6, 64–74. [doi]
Wasfi, Rania A., Madeleine Steinmetz-Wood, and David Levinson (2017) Measuring the Transportation Needs of People with Developmental Disabilities: A Means to Social Inclusion. Disability and Health Journal. 10(2), 356–360. [doi]
Zhang, Lei and David Levinson (2017) A Model of the Rise and Fall of Roads. Journal of Transport and Land Use. 10(1), 337-356. [doi]
Zhu, Shanjiang, David Levinson, and Henry Liu (2017) Measuring Winners and Losers from the new I-35W Mississippi River Bridge. Transportation. 44, 905–918. [doi] [full-text view only]
El-Geneidy, Ahmed, David Levinson, E. Diab, G. Boisjoly, D. Verbich, and C. Loong (2016) The Cost of Equity: Assessing Transit Accessibility and Social Disparity using Total Travel Cost. Transportation Research part A: Policy and Practice. 91, September 2016, 302–316. [doi]
Ermagun, Alireza, and David Levinson (2016) Intra-household Bargaining for School Trip Accompaniment of Children: A Group Decision Approach. Transportation Research part A. 94 222-234. [doi]
Fan, Yingling, Andrew Guthrie, and David Levinson (2016) Waiting Time Perceptions at Transit Stops and Stations: Effects of Basic Amenities, Gender, and Security. Transportation Research A. 88 251–264. [doi]
Iacono, Michael and David Levinson (2016) Mutual Causality in Road Network Growth and Economic Development. Transport Policy 45 (2016), 209-217. [doi]
Lagune-Reutler, Marina, Andrew Guthrie, Yingling Fan, and David Levinson (2016) Transit Riders’ Perception of Waiting Time and Stops’ Surrounding Environments. Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2543, pp. 82–90 [doi]
Levinson, David (2016). A Random Walk down Main Street. TeMA. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 9 (2), 31-40. [doi]
Levinson, David, David Giacomin, and Antony Badsey-Ellis (2016) Accessibility and the Choice of Network Investments in the London Underground. Journal of Transport and Land Use 9(1) 131-150. [doi]
Mogush, Paul, Kevin J. Krizek, David M. Levinson (2016) The Value of Trail Access on Home Purchases. Chapter 10 (193-209) in Accessibility, Equity and Efficiency: Challenges for Transport and Public Services (ed. Karst Geurs; Tomaz Ponce Dentinho; Roberto Patuelli) Edward Elgar Publishers. [ebook][doi]
Owen, Andrew, and David Levinson (2016) "Developing a Comprehensive U.S. Transit Accessibility Database." in Seeing Cities through Big Data: Research, Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics. (ed. Piyushimita Thakuriah, Nebiyou Tilahun, Moira Zellner) Springer. [doi]
Schoner, Jessica, Greg Lindsey, and David Levinson (2016) Is Bikesharing Contagious? Modeling its effects on System Membership and General Population Cycling. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2587 pp. 125-132. [doi]
Stanley, John and David Levinson (2016) Workshop 3 report: Sustainable Funding Sources and Related Cost Benefit Measurements. Research in Transport Economics. Volume 59, November 2016, 143–150. [doi]
Totten, Joseph and David Levinson (2016) Cross-Elasticities in Frequencies and Ridership for Urban Local Routes. Journal of Public Transport 19 (3): 117-125. [doi]
Wang, Kai, and David Levinson (2016) Towards a Metropolitan Fundamental Diagram using Travel Survey Data. PLoS One. 11(2): e0148660. [doi]
Zhu, Shanjiang, Julian Marshall and David Levinson (2016) Population Exposure to Ultrafine Particles: Size-resolved and Real-time Models for Highways. Transportation Research part D: Transport and Environment. 49C 323-336. [doi]
Brosnan, Martin and David Levinson (2015) Automobile Accessibility and the Allocation of Time: 1990-2010. electronic International Journal of Time Use Research 12(1), 115-133. [doi]
Di, Xuan, Henry Liu, and David Levinson. (2015) Multi-agent Route Choice Game for Transportation Engineering. Transportation Research Record 2480, 55-63. [doi]
Giacomin, David J. and David M. Levinson (2015) Road network circuity in metropolitan areas. Environment and Planning B 42(6), 1040-1053. [doi]
Huang, Arthur and David Levinson (2015) Axis of Travel: Modeling non-work destination choice with GPS Data. Transportation Research part C. 58, 208-223. [doi]
Huang, Jie and David Levinson (2015) Circuity in Urban Transit Networks. Journal of Transport Geography 48 145-153. [doi]
Iacono, Michael and David Levinson (2015) Methods for Estimating the Economic Impacts of Transportation Improvements: An Interpretive Review. In Handbook on Transport and Development. (ed. Robin Hickman, David Bonilla, Moshe Givoni, David Banister) Edward Elgar Publishers.
Iacono, Michael, David Levinson, Ahmed El-Geneidy, and Rania Wasfi (2015) Markov Chain Model of Land Use Change. TeMA: Journal of Land Use, Mobility, and Environment 8(3) 263-276 [doi]
Levinson, David (2015) Climbing Mount Next - The Effects of Autonomous Vehicles on Society. Minnesota Journal of Law Science and Technology 16(2) 787-809.
Owen, Andrew and David Levinson (2015) Modeling the Commute Mode Share of Transit Using Continuous Accessibility to Jobs. Transportation Research part A 74 110–122. [doi]
Parthasarathi, Pavithra, Hartwig Hochmair, and David Levinson (2015) Street Network Structure and Activity Spaces. Urban Studies 52(6) 1090-1112. [doi]
Schoner, Jessica, Xinyu (Jason) Cao, and David Levinson (2015) Catalysts And Magnets: Built Environment Effects On Bicycle Commuting. Journal of Transport Geography 47 100–108. [doi]
Xin, Wuping and David Levinson (2015) Stochastic Congestion and Pricing Model with Endogenous Departure Time Selection and Heterogeneous Travelers. Mathematical Population Studies 22(1) 37- 52. [doi]
Zhu, Shanjiang and David Levinson (2015) Do People Use the Shortest Path? An Empirical Test of Wardrop’s First Principle. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0134322. [doi]
Janson, Michael and David Levinson (2014) HOT or Not: Driver Elasticity to Price on the MnPASS HOT Lanes. Research in Transport Economics 44 21-32. [doi]
Owen, Andrew, Michael Janson and David Levinson (2014) Incremental Accessibility Benefits and HOT Lane Subscription Choice. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2412, 93–99. [doi]
Schoner, Jessica and David Levinson (2014) The Missing Link: Bicycle Infrastructure Networks and Ridership in 74 US Cities. Transportation 41(6) 1187-1204. [doi]
Anderson, Paul, David Levinson, and Pavithra Parthasarathi (2013) Accessibility Futures. Transactions in GIS 17(5) 683-705. [doi]
Carrion, Carlos and David Levinson (2013) Valuation of Travel Time Reliability from a GPS-based Experimental Design. Transportation Research part C 35 305–323. [doi]
Chi, Guangqing, Jeremy Porter, Arthur Cosby and David Levinson (2013) The Impact of Gasoline Price Changes on Traffic Safety: a Time Geography Explanation. Journal of Transport Geography 28 1-11. [doi]
Chi, Guangqing, Mohammed Quddus, Arthur Huang and David Levinson (2013) Gasoline Price Effects on Traffic Safety in Urban and Rural Areas: Evidence from Minnesota, 1998–2007. Safety Science 59 154-162. [doi]
Huang, Arthur and David Levinson (2013) The Structure and Evolution of a Skyway Network. The European Physical Journal: Special Topics 215(1) 123-134. [doi]
Junge, Jason and David Levinson (2013) Property Tax on Privatized Roads. Research in Transportation Business and Management 7 35-42. [doi]
Levinson, David (2013) Commentary on "Infrastructure and Urban Development: Evidence from Chinese Cities" by Yan Song. Chapter 2 in Infrastructure and Land Policies: Proceedings of the 2012 Land Policy Conference. (ed. Gregory K. Ingram and Karin L. Brandt) Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Liao, Chen-Fu and David Levinson (2013) ROAD: An Interactive Geometric Design Tool for Transportation Education and Training. ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 139(2), 116–122. [doi]
Parthasarathi, Pavithra, David Levinson, and Hartwig Hochmair (2013) Network Structure and Travel Time Perception. PLoS One. 8(10) e77718. [doi]
Tilahun, Nebiyou and David Levinson (2013) An Agent-Based Model of Worker and Job Matching. Journal of Transport and Land Use 6(1) 73-88. [doi]
Tilahun, Nebiyou, and David Levinson (2013) Selfishness and Altruism in the Distribution of Travel Time and Income. Transportation 40(5) 1043-1061. [doi]
Zhu, Shanjiang and David Levinson (2013) A Portfolio Theory of Route Choice. Transportation Research part C 35 232–243. [doi]
Carrion, Carlos and David Levinson (2012) Value of Travel Time Reliability: A review of current evidence. Transportation Research part A 46(4) 720-741. [doi]
Fan, Yingling, Andrew Guthrie, and David Levinson (2012) Impact of Light Rail Implementation on Labor Market Accessibility: A Transportation Equity Perspective. Journal of Transport and Land Use 5(3) 28-39. [doi]
Huang, Arthur and Levinson, David (2012) To Game or Not to Game: Teaching Transportation Planning with Board Games. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board 2307 141–149. [doi]
Huang, Arthur and David Levinson (2012) STREET: Where Simulation meets Reality. Published in Cultivating Change in the Academy. Edited by Ann Hill Duin et al. [UDC]
Junge, Jason and David Levinson (2012) Financing transportation with land value taxes: Effects on development intensity. Journal of Transport and Land Use 5(1) 49-63. [doi]
Junge, Jason and David Levinson (2012) Prospects for Transportation Utility Fees. Journal of Transport and Land Use 5(1) 33-47. [doi]
Krizek, Kevin J. and David Levinson (2012) Access. Chapter 9 (166-180) in The Oxford Handbook of Urban and Regional Planning (ed. Rachel Weber and Randall Crane) Oxford University Press, New York.
Levinson, David (2012) Accessibility Impacts of High Speed Rail. Journal of Transportation Geography 22 288-291. [doi]
Levinson, David (2012) Network Structure and City Size. PLoS One 7(1): e29721.[doi]
Levinson, David and Arthur Huang (2012) A Positive Theory of Network Connectivity. Environment and Planning Part B 39(2) 308-325. [doi]
Levinson, David, Feng Xie, Norah Montes de Oca (2012) Forecasting and Evaluating Network Growth. Networks and Spatial Economics 12(2) 239-262. [doi]
Levinson, David and Shanjiang Zhu (2012) The Hierarchy of Roads, the Locality of Traffic, and Governance. Transport Policy 19 (2012) 147-154. [doi]
Parthasarathi, Pavithra, Hartwig Hochmair, and David Levinson (2012) Network Structure and Spatial Separation. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39(1) 137-154. [doi]
Wasfi, Rania A., David Levinson and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy, (2012) The Transportation Needs of Seniors. Journal of Transportation Literature / Revista de Literatura dos Transportes 6(2) 8-32. [scielo archive] [doi]
Zhao, Zhirong, Michael Iacono, Adeel Lari, David Levinson. (2012) Value Capture for Transportation Finance. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Science. 48(2012) 435-448. [doi]
Carrion, Carlos and David Levinson (2011) A Model of Bridge Choice Across the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. (115-130) in Network Reliability in Practice (ed. by David Levinson, Henry Liu, and Michael Bell) Springer.
Chi, Guangqing, Xuan Zhou, Timothy E. McClure, Paul A. Gilbert, Arthur G. Cosby, Li Zhang, Angela A. Robertson, David Levinson (2011) Gasoline Prices and Their Relationship to Drunk-Driving Crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention 43(1) 194-203. [doi]
El-Geneidy, A. and David Levinson (2011) Place Rank: Valuing Spatial Interactions. Networks and Spatial Economics 11(4) 643-659. [doi]
Huang, Arthur and David Levinson (2011) Why Retailers Cluster: An Agent Model of Location Choice on Supply Chains. Environment and Planning B 38(1) 82 – 94. [doi]
Iacono, Michael and David Levinson (2011) Location, Regional Accessibility and Price Effects: Evidence from Home Sales in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2245 87-94. [doi]
Jenelius, Erik, Lars-Göran Mattsson,and David Levinson (2011) The Traveler Costs of Unplanned Transport Network Disruptions: An Activity-based Modeling Approach. Transportation Research part B 45(5) 789-807. [doi]
Levinson, David and Feng Xie (2011) Does First Last? The Existence and Extent of First Mover Advantages on Spatial Networks. Journal of Transport and Land Use 4(2) 47-69. [doi]
Parthasarathi, Pavithra, Anupam Srivastava, Nikolas Geroliminis, and David Levinson (2011) The Importance of Being Early. Transportation 38(2) 227-247. [doi]
Tilahun, Nebiyou and David Levinson (2011) Work and Home Location: Possible Role of Social Networks. Transportation Research part A 45(40) 323-331. [doi]
Xie, Feng and David Levinson (2011) Evaluating the Effects of I-35W Bridge Collapse on Road-Users in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Region. Transportation Planning and Technology 34(7) 691-703. [doi]
Zhu, Shanjiang, Feng Xie and David Levinson (2011) Enhancing Transportation Education through On-line Simulation using an Agent-Based Demand and Assignment Model. ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 137(1) 38-45. [doi]
Zhu, Shanjiang and David Levinson (2011) Disruptions to Transportation Networks: A Review. (5-20) in Network Reliability in Practice (ed. David Levinson, Henry Liu, and Michael Bell) Springer.
Zhu, Shanjiang, Nebiyou Tilahun, David Levinson, and Xiaozheng He (2011) Travel Impacts and Adjustment Strategies of the Collapse and the Reopening of the I-35W Bridge. (21-36) in Network Reliability in Practice (ed. David Levinson, Henry Liu, and Michael Bell) Springer.
Chi, Guangqing, Arthur Cosby, Mohammed A. Quddus, Paul Gilbert and David Levinson (2010) Gasoline Prices and Traffic Safety in Mississippi. Journal of Safety Research 41(6) 493–500. [doi]
Huang, Arthur and David Levinson (2010) The Effects of Daylight Saving Time on Vehicle Crashes in Minnesota. Journal of Safety Research 41(6) 513-520. [doi]
Levinson, David (2010) Equity Effects of Road Pricing: A Review. Transport Reviews 30(1) 33-57. [doi]
Parthasarathi, Pavithra and David Levinson (2010) Post-Construction Evaluation of Traffic Forecast Accuracy. Transport Policy 17 428-443. [doi]
Tilahun, Nebiyou Jonas, and David Levinson (2010) A Moment of Time: Reliability in Route Choice using Stated Preference. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 14(3) 179-187. [doi]
Xie, Feng and David Levinson (2010) How Streetcars Shaped Suburbanization: A Granger-Causality Analysis of Land Use and Transit in The Twin Cities. Journal of Economic Geography 10(3) 453-470. [doi]
Zhang, Lei and David Levinson (2010). Ramp Metering and Freeway Bottleneck Capacity. Transportation Research part A 44(4) 218-235. [doi]
Zhu, Shanjiang, David Levinson, Henry Liu, and Kathleen Harder (2010) The Traffic and Behavioral Effects of the I-35W Mississippi River Bridge collapse. Transportation Research part A 44(10) 771-784. [doi]
Corbett, Michael, Feng Xie, and David Levinson (2009) Evolution of the Second-Story City: The Minneapolis Skyway System. Environment and Planning B 36(4) 711-724. [doi]
Geroliminis, Nikolas and David Levinson (2009) Cordon Pricing Consistent with the Physics of Overcrowding. (219-240) in Transportation and Traffic Theory 2009: Golden Jubilee. (ed. William H. K. Lam, S. C. Wong and Hong K. Lo) Springer. [doi]
Huang, Arthur and David Levinson (2009) Retail Location Choice with Complementary Goods: An Agent-based Model. in Complex Sciences: First International Conference, Complex 2009, Shanghai, China, February 23-25, 2009. Revised Papers, Part 1. (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics, and Telecommunications Engineering) (ed. Jie Zhou). [doi]
Iacono, Michael and David Levinson (2009) Predicting Land Use Change: How Much Does Transportation Matter?Transportation Research Record 2119 130-136. [doi]
Levinson, David (2009) Network Neutrality: Lessons from Transportation. Review of Network Economics 8(1) 13-21.
Levinson, David and Ahmed El-Geneidy (2009) The Minimum Circuity Frontier and the Journey to Work. Regional Science and Urban Economics 39(6) 732–738. [doi]
Liao, Chen-Fu, Henry Liu, and David Levinson (2009) Engaging Undergraduate Students in Transportation Studies through Simulating Transportation for Realistic Engineering Education and Training (STREET). Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2109 12-21. [doi]
Tilahun, Nebiyou and David Levinson (2009) Unexpected delay and the cost of lateness on I-394 high occupancy/toll lanes. (173-184) in Travel Demand Management and Road User Pricing: Success, Failure and Feasibility. (ed. Wafaa Saleh and Gerd Sammer) Ashgate Publishers.
Wu, Xinkai, David Levinson, and Henry Liu (2009) Perception of Waiting Time at Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2135 52-59. [doi]
Xie, Feng, and David Levinson (2009) Governance Choice on a Serial Network. Public Choice 141: 189–212. [doi]
Xie, Feng and David Levinson (2009) The Topological Evolution of Road Networks. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 33(3) 211-223. [doi]
Xie, Feng and David Levinson (2009) Modeling the Growth of Transportation Networks: A comprehensive review. Networks and Spatial Economics 9(3) 291-307. [doi]
Xie, Feng and David Levinson (2009) Jurisdictional Control and Network Growth. Networks and Spatial Economics 9(3) 459-483. [doi]
Zhang, Lei and David Levinson (2009) Economics of Road Network Ownership. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 3(5) 339-359. [doi]
Zhang, Lei, Feng Xie, David M. Levinson (2009) Illusion of Motion: Variation in Travel Time under Different Driving Conditions. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2135 34-42. [doi]
Iacono, Michael, David Levinson and Ahmed El-Geneidy (2008) Models of Transportation and Land Use Change: A Guide to the Territory. Journal of Planning Literature 2008 22: 323-340. [doi]
King, David, Kevin Krizek, and David Levinson (2008) Designing and Assessing a Teaching Laboratory for an Integrated Land Use and Transportation Course. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2046 85-93. [doi]
Levinson, David (2008) Density and Dispersion: The Co-Development of Land use and Rail in London. Journal of Economic Geography 8(1) 55-57. [doi]
Levinson, David (2008) The Orderliness Hypothesis: Does Population Density Explain the Sequence of Rail Station Opening in London? Journal of Transport History 29(1) 98-114. [doi]
Levinson, David and Andrew Odlyzko (2008) Too Expensive to Meter: The influence of transaction costs in transportation and communication. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 366(1872) 2033–2046. [doi]
Xie, Feng and David Levinson (2008) The Use of Road Infrastructure Data for Urban Transportation Planning: Issues and Opportunities. (93-98) in Infrastructure Reporting and Asset Management (ed. Adjo Amekudzi and Sue McNeil) American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia.
Xie, Feng and David Levinson (2008) The Weakest Link: A Model of the Decline of Surface Transportation Networks. Transportation Research part E 44 100-113. [doi]
Zhang, Lei and David Levinson (2008) Determinants of Route Choice and the Value of Traveler Information: A Field Experiment. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2086:81-92. [doi]
Zhang, Lei, and David M. Levinson (2008) Investing for Reliability and Security in Transportation Networks. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2041 1-10. [doi]
Zhang, Lei, David Levinson, and Shanjiang Zhu (2008) Agent-Based Model of Price Competition and Product Differentiation on Congested Networks. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy Sept. 2008 42(3) 435-461. [download]
El-Geneidy, Ahmed and David Levinson (2007) Mapping Accessibility Over Time. Journal of Maps v2007 76-87. [doi] [doi2]
Levinson, David, and Wei Chen (2007) Area Based Models of New Highway Route Growth. ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development 133(4) 250-254. [doi]
Levinson, David, Reinaldo C. Garcia, and Kathy Carlson (2007) A Framework for Assessing Public Private Partnerships. in Institutions and Regulatory Reform in Transport (ed. Piet Rietveld and Roger Stough) Edward Elgar Publishers.
Levinson, David, Feng Xie, and Shanjiang Zhu (2007). The Co-Evolution of Land Use and Road Networks. (839-859) Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007 (ed. Richard E. Allsop, Michael G. H. Bell, and Benjamin Heydecker) Emerald Group Pub Ltd.
Tilahun, Nebiyou Yonas, David M. Levinson, and Kevin J. Krizek (2007) Trails, Lanes, or Traffic: Value of Different Bicycle Facilities Using Adaptive Stated-Preference Survey. Transportation Research part A 41 (4) 287-301. [doi]
Xie, Feng and David Levinson (2007) Measuring the Structure of Road Networks. Geographical Analysis 39(3) 336-356. [doi]
Zhang, Lei and David Levinson (2007) The Economics of Transportation Network Growth. in Essays on Transportation Economics. (ed. Pablo Coto Millán & Vicente Inglada) Springer. Contributions to Economics.
Chen, Wenling and David Levinson (2006) Effectiveness of Learning Transportation Network Growth Through Simulation. ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 132(1) 29-41. [doi]
Levinson, David (2006) The Political Economy of Private Roads. Chapter 4 (79-96) in Street Smart : Competition, Entrepreneurship, and the Future of Roads (ed. Gabriel Roth), Transaction Publishers of Rutgers University.
Levinson, David, Kathleen Harder, John Bloomfield, Kathy Carlson (2006) Waiting Tolerance: Ramp Delay vs. Freeway Congestion. Transportation Research part F 9(1) 1-13. [doi]
Levinson, David and Bhanu Yerra (2006) Self Organization of Surface Transportation Networks. Transportation Science 40(2) 179-188. [doi]
Levinson, David and Lei Zhang (2006) Ramp Meters on Trial: Evidence from the Twin Cities Metering Holiday. Transportation Research part A 40(10) 810-828. [doi]
Levinson, D. and Ewa Zofka (2006) The Metropolitan Travel Survey Archive: A Case Study in Archiving. in Travel Survey Methods (ed. Peter Stopher, Cheryl Stecher) Emerald Group.
Montes de Oca, Norah and David Levinson (2006) Network Expansion Decision-making in the Twin Cities. Journal of the Transportation Research Board: Transportation Research Record 1981 1-11. [doi]
Smalkoski, B., Ning Li, and David Levinson (2006) Economic Effects of Lifting the Spring Load Restriction Policy in Minnesota. Journal of the Transportation Research Forum 45(2) 45-56.
Zou, Xi and David Levinson (2006) Financing and Deploying Automated Freight Systems in The Future of Automated Freight Transport: Concepts, Design and Implementation. (ed. Rob Konings, Peter Nijkamp, Hugo Peimus) Edward Elgar pp. 227-242.
Zou, Xi and David Levinson (2006) Modeling Pipeline Driving Behaviors: A Hidden Markov Model Approach. Journal of the Transportation Research Board: Transportation Research Record 1980 16-23. [doi]
Zou, Xi and David Levinson (2006) A Multi-Agent Congestion and Pricing Model. Transportmetrica 2(3) 237-249. [doi]
Krizek, K. and David Levinson (2005) Teaching Integrated Land Use-Transportation Planning: Topics, Readings, and Strategies. Journal of Planning Education and Research 24(3) 304-316. [doi]
Levinson, D (2005) Paying for the Fixed Costs of Roads. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 39(3) 279-294. [JSTOR]
Levinson, David (2005) The Evolution of Transport Networks. Chapter 11 (175-188) in Handbook of Transport Strategy, Policy and Institutions Volume 6 (Handbooks in Transport) (ed. Kenneth Button and David Hensher) Elsevier, Oxford.
Levinson, David and Wei Chen (2005) Paving New Ground. in Access to Destinations (ed. David Levinson and Kevin Krizek) Elsevier Publishers.
Levinson, David, Kevin Krizek and David Gillen (2005) Machine for Access. in Access to Destinations (ed. David Levinson and Kevin Krizek) Elsevier Publishers.
Levinson, David (2005) Micro-foundations of Congestion and Pricing: A Game Theory Perspective. Transportation Research part A 39(7-9) 691-704. [doi] & Levinson, David and Nicholas Janusch (2015) Corrigendum to "Micro-foundations of Congestion and Pricing: A Game Theory Perspective". Transportation Research part A 78 144–145 [doi]
Levinson, David, and Yao Wu (2005) The Rational Locator Re-examined. Transportation 32 187-202. [doi]
Smalkoski, Brian, and David Levinson (2005) Value of Time for Commercial Vehicle Operators. Journal of the Transportation Research Forum. 44:1 89-102.
Yerra, Bhanu and David Levinson (2005) The Emergence of Hierarchy in Transportation Networks. Annals of Regional Science 39(3)541-553. [doi]
Zhang, Lei and David Levinson (2005) Balancing Efficiency and Equity of Ramp Meters. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 131(6) 477-481. [doi]
Zhang , Lei and David Levinson (2005) Road Pricing with Autonomous Links. Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1932 147-155. [doi]
Das, Shantanu and David Levinson (2004) A Queuing and Statistical Analysis of Freeway Bottleneck Formation. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 130(6) 787-795. [doi]
Gillen, David and David Levinson (2004) Assessing the Investment in ITS: An Introduction. (1-16) in Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ed. David Gillen and David Levinson) Kluwer Publishers.
Krizek, Kevin, Amanda Birnbaum, and David Levinson (2004) A Schematic for Focusing on Youth in Investigations of Community Design and Physical Activity. American Journal of Health Promotion 19(1) 33-38. [doi]
Levinson, David and Wei Chen (2004) Traffic Management Systems. (263-286) in Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ed. David Gillen and David Levinson) Kluwer Publishers.
Levinson, David, David Gillen and Pavithra Parthasarathi (2004) Freeway Service Patrols: A Stated Preference Analysis of Insurance Values. (199-216) in Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ed. David Gillen and David Levinson) Kluwer Publishers.
Levinson, David, Kathleen Harder, John Bloomfield, and Kasia Winiarczyk. (2004) Weighting Waiting: Evaluating the Perception of In-Vehicle Travel Time Under Moving and Stopped Conditions. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1898 61-68. [doi]
Levinson, David, Ning Li, Xi Zou, Brian Smalkoski, and Maryam Hashami (2004) A Framework for Analyzing the Effects of Spring Load Restriction. Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1874 181-188. [doi]
Levinson, David and Peter Rafferty (2004) Delayer Pays Principle: Examining Congestion Pricing with Compensation. International Journal of Transport Economics 31(3) 295-311.
Levinson, David and Lei Zhang (2004) Evaluating Effectiveness of Ramp Meters: Evidence for the Twin Cities Ramp Meter Shut-off. (145-166) in Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ed. David Gillen and David Levinson) Kluwer Publishers.
Zhang, Lei and David Levinson. (2004) An Agent-Based Approach to Travel Demand Modeling: An Exploratory Analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1898 28-38. [doi]
Zhang, Lei and David Levinson (2004) Optimal Freeway Ramp Control without Origin-Destination Information. Transportation Research part B 38(10) 869-887. [doi]
Zhang, Lei and David Levinson (2004) Some Properties of Flows at Freeway Bottlenecks. Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1883 122-131. [doi]
Levinson, David (2003) The Next America Revisited. Journal of Planning Education and Research 22(4) 329-345. [doi]
Levinson, David (2003) Perspectives on Efficiency in Transportation. International Journal of Transport Management 1 145-155. [doi]
Levinson, David (2003) The Value of Advanced Traveler Information Systems for Route Choice. Transportation Research part C 11(1) 75-87. [doi]
Levinson, David and Elva Chang (2003) A Model for Optimizing Electronic Toll Collection Systems. Transportation Research part A 37(4) 293-314. [doi]
Levinson, David and Ramachandra Karamalaputi (2003) Predicting the Construction of New Highway Links. Journal of Transportation and Statistics 6(2/3) 81-89.
Levinson, David and Ramachandra Karamalaputi (2003), Induced Supply: A Model of Highway Network Expansion at the Microscopic Level. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 37(3) 297–318.
Levinson, David and Lei Zhang (2003) Travel Time Variability After A Shock: The Case Of The Twin Cities Ramp Meter Shut Off. in The Network Reliability of Transport (ed. Yasunori Iida and Michael Bell) Pergamon.
Muthuswamy, Satya and David Levinson (2003) Buying into the Bypass: Allowing Trucks to pay to use the Ramp Meter Bypasses. Journal of the Transportation Research Forum Published in Transportation Quarterly 57(1) 81-92.
Parthasarathi, Pavithra, David Levinson, and Ramachandra Karamalaputi (2003) Induced Demand: A Microscopic Perspective. Urban Studies 40(7) 1335-1353. [doi]
Zou, Xi and David Levinson (2003) Vehicle Based Intersection Management with Intelligent Agents. ITS America Annual Meeting Proceedings.
Levinson, David (2002) The Economics of Traveler Information from Probes. Public Works Management and Policy 6(4) 241-250. [doi]
Levinson, David (2002) Identifying Winners and Losers in Transportation. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1812 179-185. [doi]
Levinson, David and Seshasai Kanchi (2002) Road Capacity and the Allocation of Time. Journal of Transportation and Statistics 5(1) 25-46.
Levinson, David, Seshasai Kanchi, and David Gillen (2002) Inter-technology Effects in Intelligent Transportation Systems. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1800 1-5. [doi]
Levinson, David and Atif Sheikh (2002) Traffic Equilibration: The Case of the Twin Cities Ramp Meter Shut Off. 580-587 Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies held in Guilin, China July 2002, ASCE Washington DC.
Levinson, David and Bhanu Yerra (2002) Highway Costs and the Efficient Mix of State and Local Funds. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1812 27-36. [doi]
Zhang, Lei and David Levinson (2002) Estimation of Demand Response to Ramp Metering. 674-681 Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies held in Guilin, China July 2002, ASCE Washington DC.
Zou, Xi and David Levinson (2002) Evaluation of Impacts of Adaptive Cruise Control on Mixed Traffic Flow. 762-779 Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies held in Guilin, China July 2002, ASCE Washington DC.
Levinson, David (2001) Financing Infrastructure Over Time. Journal of Urban Planning and Development American Society of Civil Engineers 127(4) 146-157. [doi]
Levinson, David (2001) Why States Toll: An Empirical Model of Finance Choice. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 35(2) 223-238.
Levinson, David (2000) Monitoring Infrastructure Capacity. 165-181 Land Market Monitoring for Smart Urban Growth in Proceedings of Conference on Land Supply and Infrastructure Capacity Monitoring for Smart Urban Growth, Lincoln Institute for Land Policy.
Levinson, David (2000) Revenue Choice on a Serial Network. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 34(1) 69-98. [jstor]
Gillen David and David Levinson (1999) The Full Cost of Air Travel. Transportation Research Record :Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1662 1-9. [doi]
Levinson, David (1999) Road Pricing in Practice. Chapter 2: Road Pricing, Traffic Congestion and the Environment, (1999) (ed. Ken Button, Erik Verhoef). Edward Elgar Publishers.
Levinson, David (1999) Space, Money, Life-stage, and the Allocation of Time. Transportation 26 141-171. [doi]
Levinson, David (1999) Tolling at a Frontier: A Game Theoretic Analysis. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory 173-187.
Levinson, D., Kanafani, A., and Gillen, D. (1999) Air, High-speed Rail, or Highway: A Cost Comparison in the California Corridor. Transportation Quarterly. 53(1): 123-131.
Levinson, David (1998) Accessibility and the Journey to Work. Journal of Transport Geography 6(1) 11-21. [doi]
Levinson, David (1998) Speed and Delay on Signalized Arterials. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 124(3) 258-264. [doi]
Levinson, David, David Gillen, and Adib Kanafani (1998) The social costs of intercity transportation: a review and comparison of air and highway. Transport Reviews 18(3) 215-240. [doi] [free]
Levinson, David, and David Gillen (1998) The Full Cost of Intercity Highway Transportation. Transportation Research part D 3(4) 207-223. [doi]
Levinson, David (1997) Job and Housing Tenure and the Journey to Work. Annals of Regional Science 31 451-471. originally presented at Western Regional Science Association Meeting as part of Location, Relocation, and Journey to Work, San Diego, CA, February 1995. - winner of the Charles Tiebout Prize for Best Student Paper [doi]
Levinson, David (1997) The Limits to Growth Management. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 24 689-707. [doi]
Levinson, David and Yuanlin Huang (1997) A Windowed Transportation Planning Model. Transportation Research Record 1607 45-54.[doi]
Levinson, David and Ajay Kumar (1997). Density and the Journey to Work. Growth and Change 28(2) 147-172. [doi]
Levinson, David, Jean-Michel Mathieu, Adib Kanafani, and David Gillen (1997) The Full Cost of High-Speed Rail: An Engineering Approach. Annals of Regional Science 31(2) 189-215. [doi]
Kumar Ajay and David Levinson (1995) Chained Trips in Montgomery County, Maryland. ITE Journal May 1995 27-32.
Levinson, David (1995) An Evolutionary Transportation Planning Model: Structure and Application. Transportation Research Record 1493 64-73.
Levinson, David and Ajay Kumar (1995) Activity, Travel, and the Allocation of Time. Journal of the American Planning Association. Fall 1995 61(4) 458-470. [doi]
Levinson, David and Ajay Kumar (1995) A Multi-modal Trip Distribution Model. Transportation Research Record 1466 124-131.
Levinson, David and Ajay Kumar (1995) Temporal Variations on the Allocation of Time. Transportation Research Record 1493 118-127.
Levinson, David and Ajay Kumar (1994) Integrating Feedback into the Transportation Planning Model. Transportation Research Record 1413 70-77.
Levinson, David and Ajay Kumar (1994) Operational Evidence of Changing Travel Patterns. ITE Journal, April 1994 36-44.
Levinson, David and Ajay Kumar (1994) The Rational Locator: Why Travel Times Have Remained Stable. Journal of the American Planning Association, Summer 1994 60(3) 319-332. [doi]
Kumar Ajay and David Levinson (1994) Specifying, Estimating and Validating a New Trip Generation Model: Case Study in Montgomery County, Maryland. Transportation Research Record 1413: 107-113.