Having something broken fixed, and existing improved, can often also be transformative and revolutionary, just needs to be recognised and presented as such.

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Level of service. Such a boring phrase. But essentially, that is what the owners and operators of roads, rail, bus, flexible and on demand are all held to by the users. And if the users are unhappy then the politicians are unhappy. The way to maintain a level of service is to maintain the elements of the system so there are very few breakdowns or delays. That is why we are seeing record levels of time and money going back into Sydney Trains, to make it reliable again. And Metro is not a new technology, it is from the 60's actually. But it gives a higher level of service while its new. If it is not maintained it will be a nightmare. But for Govt, it is relatively easy to find one off pots of money for shiny capital investment. It is much harder to find the money for regular operational and maintenance costs, because that increases the base cost of government. So if we want to maintain stuff we have to tax people to raise the money to maintain it. We all work on reducing the cost and maximising the productivity of assets, but eventually you run out of useful efficiency investment and just have to pay for stuff! Transport is the lubricant of society (economy, society, environment). If not well oiled then electoral punishment follows! As for apps of the week, everything in transport moves slowly to uptake because the system of systems it comprises is so massive change is incredibly complex. So vendors push, the stasis pushes back, change really only happens at the edges. Many billions in the what is, only millions in the what could be space!

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Are you familiar with Lee Vinsel and Andy Russell's book The Innovation Delusion? https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/576816/the-innovation-delusion-by-lee-vinsel-and-andrew-l-russell/

Also the wide ranging thought group they initiated, The Maintainers? https://themaintainers.org

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