Uncovering the influence of commuters’ perception on the reliability ratio
Recently published:
Carrion, Carlos and David Levinson (2019) Uncovering the influence of commuters’ perception on the reliability ratio. Transport Findings. [doi
The dominant method for measuring values of travel time savings (VOT) and values of travel time reliability (VOR) is discrete choice modeling. Studies using revealed preference have tended to use travel times measured by devices such as loop detectors, and thus the perception error of travelers has been largely ignored. In this study, the influence of commuters’ perception error is investigated on data collected of commuters recruited from previous research. The subjects’ self-reported travel times from surveys, and the subjects’ travel times measured by GPS devices were collected. The results indicate that the subjects reliability ratio is greater than 1 in the models with self- reported travel times. In contrast, subjects reliability ratio is smaller than 1 in the models with travel times as measured by GPS devices.