Transportist: January 2019
Welcome to the January 2019 issue of The Transportist, especially to our new readers. As always you can follow along at the blog or on Twitter.
Postdoctoral Research Associate – Future Rural & Regional Transport (ITLS Sydney) (Close Jan 9)
Posts at the Blog
TransportLab at TRB Schedule [If you want to meet at TRB, please contact me by email.]
Spontaneous Access: Reflexions on Designing Cities and Transport. (Free)
Posts at WalkSydney
If you care about walking in Sydney, and want to get involved, go here.
Canadian Transport Research Forum (May 26-29 Vancouver, Abstracts due Jan 9)
Sydney Trains’ Turn Up And Go Frequencies - TransportSydney
Southwest Light Rail Breaks Ground Today After Breaking Twin Cities Transit Planning For Years - Nick Magrino
Automated, Autonomous, Driverless, and Self-Driving Vehicles, and Semi-Autonomous Systems
We finally talked to an actual Waymo passenger—here’s what he told us. Tim Lee at ars.technica
I rode in Waymo’s new self-driving taxi service The former Google self-driving car project is going commercial.
A slashed tire, a pointed gun, bullies on the road: Why do Waymo self-driving vans get so much hate? - azcentral
Waymo unveils self-driving taxi service in Arizona - Reuters
At Waymo, It’s Launch Time For Google’s Biggest Moonshot - Forbes
Tesla "why don't we do it in the road" ad - The Last Driver License Holder
Tesla owners have driven 1 billion miles with Autopilot activated -
Neither Tesla, Nor Waymo
Audi pulls the curtain back on its self-driving car program Audi wants its robot taxis on the road by 2021.
Levandowski's plans to ship automated driving systems for trucks in 2019 -
Kroger-owned grocery store [Fry's] begins fully driverless deliveries [Nuro] - ars.technica
Why autonomous vehicles won't reduce our dependence on cars in cities - The Conversation
Human-Driven Vehicles, Signs, Signals, Sensors, and Markings, and Roads
Phone monitoring cameras will be rolled out across busy NSW roads Daily Mail [not a reliable source, but interesting news]
Year-old 66 Express [Toll] Lanes have caused shifts in commuter behavior, - WaPo
SUV sales have overtaken cars in US, Canada, Australia, and now rising quickly in Europe.
Health impacts and murky decision-making feed public distrust of projects like WestConnex - The Conversation
Opinion | The democratic world could feel the heat from Paris With their roots online rather than in traditional activist organizations, the anger of France’s gilets jaunes riots is easily spread. [These started as carbon tax/gas tax riots]
Shared Vehicles/Ride-sharing/Ride-hailing/Taxis/Car Sharing
Human-Powered Vehicles/Bikes/Pedestrians/Scooters/eBikes/Last-Mile/First-Mile/Last-Meter/First-Meter/etc.
Belgium’s word of the year for 2018 is “Murderstrip.” Defined as a painted bicycle lane on a dangerous street next to fast-moving cars. [Written in Beligian (ha)]
Small is e-Beautiful Greater Auckland.
Chinese bike-sharing start-up Ofo on verge of bankruptcy - ft
Curbs and Kerbs
Take Me Out To The Ball Game (Without Getting Towed) - Mahmood Rahmani, Coord
How Innovative Towns Can Map For the Last Mile Just Like Apple - Stephen Smyth, Coord
Land Use
Just How Much of the World Is Urban? - CityLab
Americans say there’s not much appeal to big-city living. Why do so many of us live there? WaPo
Speed limits could drop to 40km/h under new transport strategy 'On ya bike!' (or bus, or light rail) is the message from the ACT government.
Intercity Trains
HS1 and Crossrail suppliers admit to running ‘illegal cartel’ for 7 years Rail Technology [one more reason transport costs are so high in the Anglo-sphere]
Very fast train pledge looks like a stunt Promising rainbows won't win votes.
Faster rail services on the agenda for state and federal elections The Berejiklian government is expected to commit to a feasibility study to identify the best route for faster rail services to connect regional areas [Note difference between fast trains and very fast trains]
Aviation and Space
Gridlock in the sky: The space industry wants to launch more rockets through an already congested airspace. WaPo [One more reason for Space Elevators].
Funding and Finance and Governance
Vital Signs: No, Joe, America should not be copying Australia's 'asset recycling' misdirection - The Conversation
The Planet Has Seen Sudden Warming Before. It Wiped Out Almost Everything. - NY Times
Are we literally losing our way by relying on GPS devices? Research shows navigating skills do worsen as we depend so much on map apps.
Publish AND perish: how the commodification of scientific publishing is undermining both science and the public good - Transformative Learning
Research & Data
Access to Destinations Data [now available via University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy]
A Walk in the Park with UrbanFootprint – UrbanFootprint [Access to parks and lots of other points of interest]
Papers by Us
Cui, Boer, Boisjoly, Genevieve, El-Geneidy, Ahmed, and Levinson, D. (2019) Accessibility and the journey to work through the lens of equity. Journal of Transport Geography. Volume 74, January 2019, Pages 269-277 [50 days free download] [doi]
Books by Others
Inventing Future Cities by Mike Batty [self-recommending]
New organisations
ZEPHYR Advancing Travel Analysis to Improve Society - a new organization to improve transport analysis and modeling
Metropolitan Transport and Land Use: Planning for Place and Plexus (2018) by David M. Levinson and Kevin J. Krizek.
Elements of Access: Transport Planning for Engineers, Transport Engineering for Planners. (2018) By David M. Levinson, Wes Marshall, Kay Axhausen.
Spontaneous Access: Reflexions on Designing Cities and Transport (2016) by David Levinson.
The End of Traffic and the Future of Access: A Roadmap to the New Transport Landscape. (2017) By David M. Levinson and Kevin J. Krizek.
The Transportation Experience: Second Edition Garrison, William and Levinson, David (2014)