Transportist: August 2019
Welcome to the latest issue of The Transportist, especially to our new readers. As always you can follow along at the or on Twitter.
Access Across Australia
Transportist (the blog)
The State of Transportation Education (upcoming presentation)
There are many new posts on the site, from the organisation where I now preside. You should check WalkSydney out, and if you are in Greater Sydney, you should join.
Transport Findings
Measuring the Added Effectiveness of Using Detailed Spatial and Temporal Data in Generating Accessibility Measures by Boer Cui, Emily Grisé, Anson Stewart, Ahmed El-Geneidy
Perceived Versus Actual Waiting Time: A Case Study Among Cyclists in Enschede, the Netherlands by Tiago Fioreze, Benjamin Groenewolt , Johan Koolwaaij, Karst Geurs
Identifying Twin Travelers Using Ridesourcing Trip Data by Nicolas Chiabaut, Cyril Veve
I was on FBi 94.5 radio Backchat program at 9:30 am June 29 to discuss changes and improvements to Sydney’s public transport.
I was briefly quoted in Melo, Frederick (2019) Corbata offers an alternative to Uber and Lyft, if it can get licensed in St. Paul. St. Paul Pioneer Press
I attended COTA International Conference of Transport Professionals in Nanjing (and a pre-conference in Beijing). It’s a good event, and obviously, there is a lot of action in transport in China. I presented on the End of Traffic and the Future of Access, and a General Theory of Access.
Papers by Us
Carrion, Carlos and David Levinson (2019) Overestimation and underestimation of travel time on commute trips: GPS vs. self- reporting. Urban Science. 3(3), 70 [doi]
Cui, Mengying and Levinson, D. (2019) Primal and Dual Access. Geographical Analysis. (accepted and in press) [doi]
Transit and Microtransit
Automated, Autonomous, Driverless, and Self-Driving Vehicles, and Semi-Autonomous Systems
Self-Driving Trucks Will Carry Mail in U.S. for the First Time
Self-driving shuttle crashed in Las Vegas because manual controls were locked away
Driverless Cars Are Taking Longer Than We Expected. Here’s Why. [As I noted, who is “we”?] [AVs are now the Trough of Dispond in the Gartner Hype Cycle]
$500 Lidar From Luminar Could Move Autonomous Driving Forward
Protean's all-in-one drive, suspension and steering modules spin 360 degrees
First injury on Utah's driverless shuttle during unexpected stop
Human-Driven Vehicles, Signs, Signals, Sensors, and Markings, and Roads
Shared Vehicles/Ride-sharing/Ride-hailing/Taxis/Car Sharing
Human-Powered Vehicles/Bikes/Pedestrians/Scooters/eBikes/Last-Mile/First-Mile/Last-Meter/First-Meter/etc.
Curbs and Footpaths
Electrification, Energy, Environment
Land Use
Retail, Wholesale, Logistics, Supply Chain, Freight
Intercity Trains
Maps, Fonts, Visualizations
Equity and Justice
The Smart Cities Fantasy
I’m an Engineer, and I’m Not Buying Into ‘Smart’ Cities by Shoshanna Saxe
Research by Others
Boeing, G. 2018. “Street Network Models and Measures for Every U.S. City, County, Urbanized Area, Census Tract, and Zillow-Defined Neighborhood.” Urban Science, 3 (1), 28. doi: 10.3390/urbansci3010028
Investments in biking routes improve access to jobs in US metros (Access Across America: Biking 2017 was released by the Accessibility Observatory (northern hemisphere). The innovation is considering low and medium stress streets as restricted bicycling networks.)
A Political Economy of Access. (2019) By David M. Levinson and David A. King (Book 4 in the Access Quartet)
Elements of Access: Transport Planning for Engineers, Transport Engineering for Planners. (2018) By David M. Levinson, Wes Marshall, Kay Axhausen. (Book 3 in the Access Quartet)
Spontaneous Access: Reflexions on Designing Cities and Transport (2016) by David Levinson. (Book 2 in the Access Quartet)
The End of Traffic and the Future of Access: A Roadmap to the New Transport Landscape. (2017) By David M. Levinson and Kevin J. Krizek. (Book 4 in the Access Quartet)
Metropolitan Transport and Land Use: Planning for Place and Plexus (2018) by David M. Levinson and Kevin J. Krizek.
The Transportation Experience: Second Edition Garrison, William and Levinson, David (2014)