They're Closing Inspiration Point
Happy Days Season 7 | Episode 13 aired 11 December 1979
The gang is stunned to find out that Howard knew about the planning commission's decision to route one of the new expressway's off-ramps right through make-out mecca, Inspiration Point.
They're Closing Inspiration Point. Source: Getty Images, as if that were not painfully obvious.
Happy Days is Nearer In Time to the historical events it describes than the present
The Aunt Bee the Crusader episode of The Andy Griffith Show was much better (and earlier) sitcom portrayal of the disruption presented from highway construction, though in the end, the roadbuilders win.
Still, representations of the Freeway Revolts
#FreewayRevolts in popular culture are rare.By this point, Happy Days had already
#JumpedTheShark (1977) Jumped the Shark