The Transportist: June 2017
Welcome to the June 2017 issue of The Transportist. As always you can follow along at the blog or on Twitter.
Transport Posts
[posts as in jobs or positions]
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Transport at the University of Sydney
Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil), University of Sydney
Transportist Posts
[posts as in blog posts]
Media Appearances
Street wars 2035: can cyclists and driverless cars ever co-exist? - Guardian Cities
Why Looking at Crash Stats Alone Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story About Pedestrian Safety - Streetsblog
Traffic Wouldn’t Jam If Drivers Behaved Like Ants - Nautilus
Transport News
The New Season of Utopia [Dreamland] starts Wednesday July 19 on @ABCTV. The best show about urban planning in Australia.
Providence's Downtown Connector: A Streetcar Transformed into Useful Transit - Human Transit
The Breakneck Evolution of Chinese Metro Systems - Arch Daily
The world’s first elevator cable-free elevator zooms horizontally and vertically using maglev tech - Technology Review
China’s Mobike plans move into 200 cities - TechCrunch
NSW cyclists lag the rest of Australia as fewer choose to ride: survey - Sydney Morning Herald
Citi Biker dies after hit by bus in ride share’s first fatality - NY Daily News
'Uber for bikes': Chinese firm eyes global dominion with launch in Manchester - The Guardian
Bicycles are eating the lunch of China’s dominant car-sharing app - South China Morning Post
Commute by bike: job accessibility and bicycles - Brendan Murphy at CTS
Is there safety in numbers for bicycles in Minneapolis? - Brendan Murphy at CTS
London mayor considers pay-per-mile road pricing and ban on new parking - Guardian
Could the average commute nearly double by 2030? Really? - Urbanist
Jogger takes on tram and wins in race for better traffic flow on [Melbourne's] Sydney Road - The Age
Five possible solutions to Twin Cities traffic congestion - Pioneer Press
Scott Walker ties Wisconsin tolling to hitting up Illinoisans, others at state line Gov. - Journal-Sentinal
Indy sues Carmel over 96th Street roundabouts Indianapolis Star
Roman Roads [Subway Style Map] - Sasha Trubetskoy
Can security bollards be done better? - The Urbanist
(The worst month for Uber)
Uber: Headless company in driverless race - SF Chron
Uber’s Complicit Board – Monday Note by Jean-Louis Gassée
Alphabet expands Waze’s carpool service — giving Uber a fiercer rival in its home state California - CNBC
Uber Can’t Be Fixed — It’s Time for Regulators to Shut It Down - Benjamin Edelman at Harvard Business Review
Inside Travis Kalanick’s Resignation as Uber’s C.E.O. - NY Times
Uber's CEO is taking a leave of absence. That's a disaster for Uber CNBC
David Bonderman Resigns From Uber Board After Sexist Remark - NY Times
The mother of Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has died in a boating accident, and his father is in 'serious' condition - Business Insider
Uber faces a fresh probe from U.S. regulators over its privacy practices - Recode
Uber Fires Executive Over Handling of Rape Investigation in India - NY Times
Uber Burned Millions On UberPool To Win San Francisco - BuzzFeed
Uber Fires Former Google Engineer at Heart of Self-Driving Dispute - NY Times
Uber says carpool service is ‘not perfect’, experiments with new version in Manhattan - Venture Beat
Uber launches Uber Freight, its app for long-haul trucking jobs - Verge
Sprig, a food-delivery startup that has raised over $56 million, is shutting down - Business Insider
Wisconsin is now the third state to allow delivery robots - Recode
I checked out Tesla Autopilot — and there's no way it can drive a car by itself - BusinessInsider
Self-driving cars will double as security cameras, says Intel CEO Brian Krzanich - CNBC
The Real Story Behind Elon Musk’s $2.6 Billion Acquisition Of SolarCity Fast Company
The wireless charging of electric vehicles overcomes a major hurdle - Stanford
It's so hot in Phoenix, they can't fly planes - USA Today
Dutch king's double life as an airline pilot - Sky News
Land Use
New map tracks Toronto home prices by subway station - Blog Toronto
Torrens, our land-title pioneer, might have approved of privatised registries - The Conversation
Infrastructure Week
Case file in Philando Castile shooting released, dashcam video shows shooting - StarTribune
Metro Transit's secret arrest and deportation – Tony Webster
France is offering US scientists 4-year grants to move to the country and do research - Business Insider
And, not or: Quality, quantity in scientific publishing - PLOS
By Us
Murphy, Levinson, Owen (2017) Evaluating the Safety In Numbers effect for pedestrians at urban intersections
By Others
Broido and Clauset "Scale-free networks are rare."