SUCE SEMINAR - The End of Traffic and the Future of Access
I will be giving a seminar to the Sydney University Civil Engineers group today: Tuesday September 21, 2021 from 17:00 to 18:00 AEST. Zoom link for the seminar:
Title: The End of Traffic and the Future of Access
Two decades into the new millennium, transport is becoming interesting again. New technologies are taking root and society is responding; together, these phenomena are changing how people access places and exchange goods. This talk about the future of transport in cities discusses the implications of automation, electrification, sharing, and COVID-19 on travel demands and transport policy.
Prof. David Levinson teaches at the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, where he leads the Network Design Lab and the Transport Engineering group. From 1999 to 2016, he served on the faculty of the University of Minnesota where he held the Richard P. Braun/CTS Chair in Transportation (2006-2016). Levinson has authored or edited several books, including The 30-Minute City: Designing for Access, The Transportation Experience, and Metropolitan Transport and Land Use: Planning for Place and Plexus, as well as numerous peer reviewed articles. He is the editor of the journal Findings.
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