Priority for trams will likely make crossing Northbourne even worse | Canberra Times
Jasper Lindell and Steve Evans write "Priority for trams will likely make crossing Northbourne even worse" in the Canberra Times. I am quoted:
Professor of Transport at the University of Sydney David Levinson said people on foot and bike should get longer to cross, giving cars shorter times on a green light.
"You don't have to surrender to the automobile. Walking conditions for pedestrians should be better, and in a city like Canberra where distances are so great the conditions for pedestrians will never be perfect but that doesn't mean you can't get more than you currently get," Professor Levinson said.
He believed Canberra could do more to make life easier for pedestrians. Some cities, for example, have crossings where all vehicles stop at the same time and people on foot can cross in all directions – they're sometimes called "scramble crossings".