Open Access in Transport
With today's announcement that the University of California is dumping Elsevier (and we expect the rest of the world follows over time), where is a transport researcher to publish? Obviously there are many places, including general open access journals like PLOS One.
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) lists 51 open access journals with Transport in their descriptor. I don't know most of them ... The ones I am aware and know the people involved from the DOAJ list ...
There are also these which are affiliated with major publishers ...
IATSS Research (Elsevier - for profit, but currently no charges)
European Transport Research Review (Springer Open - for profit)
Urban Science ** (MDPI - for profit)
I am on the Editorial Boards of the ones marked with **, I was founding editor of JTLU of course (***).
Obviously, we prefer non-profit to for-profit organisations in general, as their costs should be lower. Also note that the open access charges in conventional journal are on the order of $3000, which is simply unacceptable.
Transport Findings
Two additional journals which the DOAJ does not list yet are:
Transport Findings ... (we are working on the DOAJ application).
Good luck all moving beyond the Transportation Research part X series, they own a lot of mindshare and will be difficult to break free of, as well as the rest of the Elsevier collection of transport journals. And to be clear, Elsevier is setting up its own open access in Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, but why would we go that way? Their spider web has trapped us for too long. The Mathematicians started boycotting Elsevier a few years ago, see The Cost of Knowledge project
Sadly some open access journals did not make it, including:
Journal of Transport and Statistics (which due to the fragility and unreliability of US Government sponsorship, is especially galling).