Map Monday: Isochrones and the Thirty-Minute City | WalkSydney
I wrote a thing for WalkSydney: Map Monday: Isochrones and the Thirty-Minute City
Travel Time Platform is a website that lets users draw Isochrones, areas which can be reached in a given amount of time (Iso from the Greek for same, chronos for time). I have used it to draw a time radius. Here we show a 30 minute walking time from the Seymour Centre (near the WalkSydney world headquarters, but you can choose anywhere.)
The 30 minute city is a concept about accessibility, can the important places travelers want to go be reached in a given time. The idea that 70% of the people can reach daily activities within 30 minutes of walk, bike, or transit is embedded in the most recent Metropolis of Three Cities plan of the Greater Sydney Commission.
Isochrone by car. A car will get you farther than walking, biking, or transit in 30 minutes.