International Symposium on the Sharing Economy: Public Forum

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International Symposium on the Sharing Economy: Public Forum
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
The Commons Hotel Minneapolis, MN
Are you interested in learning more about how the sharing economy is affecting the transportation industry? Also known as collaborative consumption, the sharing economy is a growing trend away from the exclusive ownership and consumption of resources to one of shared use and consumption via peer-to-peer online platforms. The consequences of this trend for the transportation sector are many, potentially affecting everything from car ownership to road congestion to investments in infrastructure and public transit. With a focus on shared mobility, this public forum will explore the promise—and potential perils—of the sharing economy. Practitioners, entrepreneurs, government representatives, and other leading thinkers will share their perspectives in presentations and panel discussions. The forum, open to anyone interested in learning more about the sharing economy, is being held as part of the two-day International Symposium on the Sharing Economy . The symposium, which also includes a research workshop, aims to bring together leaders from academia, industry, nonprofits, and government to explore the emerging area of collaborative consumption and stimulate interdisciplinary research and collaboration.
More Information
Additional information about the event will be added to the symposium web page as it becomes available. With questions, please contact Hannah Grune, 612-626-4965 or
About the Initiative on the Sharing Economy
The Initiative on the Sharing Economy was established by the Center for Transportation Studiesunder the leadership of Saif Benjaafar, Distinguished McKnight University Professor in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, and in partnership with other faculty members across the University of Minnesota.