How the World Beats Traffic | Ecofiscal Commission
I am on this recording of a Google Hangout, Just chillin' with some folks talking road pricing.
Streamed live on Nov 2, 2015 Congestion is the bane of urban life in Canada, as it is elsewhere in the world. Too many people driving too many cars at the same place at the same time—that’s congestion. The Commission’s first OnAir Google Hangout will be a virtual panel discussion with international experts on how cities are using congestion pricing to combat gridlock. Chris Ragan, chair, will host and moderate the event. Moderator:
Chris Ragan Chair, Canada's Ecofiscal Commission McGill University, Department of Economics
International Experts:
Eric Jaffe New York bureau chief, CityLab
David Levinson Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering, University of Minnesota
Lauren Mattern City Planner, Los Angeles, California Former Analyst, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Sam Schwartz CEO, Sam Schwartz Engineering Former NYC Traffic Commissioner
Gunnar Söderholm Head of the Environment and Health Administration, City of Stockholm