Goodbye, Car2Go; what's next for car-sharing? | Star Tribune
Janet Moore in the Star Tribune writes Goodbye, Car2Go; what's next for car-sharing? She quotes the blog:
After Car2go's announcement, University of Minnesota Prof. David Levinson wrote in his Transportist blog that in order for car-sharing to work, "access costs must be low, generating demand, which will increase vehicle availability (as suppliers respond to demand), which will lower access costs, which will increase demand."
Levinson said that the existing Car2Go fleet could have accommodated more customers (Car2Go has 400 vehicles and about 29,000 members in the Twin Cities). He also points out that with gas prices so low and the economy relatively strong, people can readily drive and buy their own cars.
See the original post: Car2Gone: On the decline of Carsharing in the late 2010s.