A Review of Game Theory Models of Lane Changing
Recent working paper:
Ji, Ang and Levinson, D. (2020) A Review of Game Theory Models of Lane Changing. To be presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2020.
Driver lane-changing behaviours have a significant impact on the safety and the capacity of the vehicle-based traffic system, therefore, modeling lane-changing maneuvers has become an essential component of driving behaviour analysis. Among microscopic LC models, game theory based lane-changing models highlight the interaction or competition of drivers, which reveal a more realistic image of driving behaviours compared to other classic models. However, the potential of game theory to describe the human driver's lane-changing strategies is currently under-estimated. This paper aims to review the recent development of game theoretic models that are classified according to their different methodologies and features. They are designed for both human-driven (User-optimal) and autonomous vehicles (User and system-optimal), and we hope they can find applications in future AV industries.